Maui Wowi Supports the Troops and The Troops Support Maui Wowi! We were invited to be a part of Norwich University's Winter Carnival on their campus in beautiful Vermont! We are always honored to be a part of any campus' event and this was no different. John and the crew put on quite a show. Rook Dining, in the Wise Campus Center, was packed with under and upperclassmen. The underclassmen wearing their fatigues, of course, and it was a great site to see them all in line waiting for either a Strawberry-Banana, Black Raspberry, or Lemon Wave Smoothie. We also served up Kona Espressos, with caramel, vanilla and peppermint mocha. We also served up Ghiradelli Hot Kokos to go along with the smoothies, lattes and cappuccinos. A great time was had by all, and we'd once again like to thank John and Kelly for bringing us in. Mahalo, Norwich!!