Thursday, July 24, 2008

Maui Wowi at the New England Sand-Sculpting Festival

Another event we love vending at is the New England Sand Sculpting Festival on Revere Beach in Revere, MA. This is one of the coolest events by far in New England. You really appreciate how much time and effort is put into each sand sculpture when you watch them get built from scratch and get to see the end result. What's more, is they last so long! I'm sure we've all attempted to build a sand-castle or two in our lifetime, only to have the wind or ocean knock it down. After being around these magificent sculptures, I started to forget they were sand and began thinking of them as stone sculptures! Next year, we are going to have one of the sculptors make us a Tiki Hut made of sand to serve our smoothies and Kona from! Mere words cannot describe how busy this event can get for vendors. The sea of people that came by to get a sip of smoothie paradise was going strong all 4 days, but Saturday was unbelievable. The beautiful weather, combined with the mind-blowing sculptures on the beach made for a perfect day for everyone. We'd like to think that having a Maui Wowi smoothie in their hand made it even better! Mahalo to the city of Revere and Celebrity Marketing, Inc, who produced the event and made it possible for us to be there.

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